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"Heal the Child Within laid a new foundation for me. Noah shared concepts that I was previously exposed to, but in a language that I had not yet heard. His powerful loving presence, breathwork techniques and command of the material are elements that have taken my work to a whole new level and keys that opened places within I had not touched yet were necessary awakenings to liberate more of my inner-child essence. Now in Mastery, I am embodying and integrating his techniques that have personally and professionally added a new set of tools to my medicine bag. The benefits of my experience in HTHW and HTHW Mastery are now rippling out to my Living In Love community. I’m excited for all the ways I will soar as a result of following my “YES” to the HTCW journey. The healing I have received from these programs will continue to ripple out in all areas of my life, I trust it will for you as well."
Elizabeth St. Germain 
Creator and Founder of the Living in Love Collective
"The Heal the Child Within Mastery program was the biggest eye-opener for me! In only 3 months, I've searched, discovered, realized how I operated as a man. Noah's Mastery program targeted every area in my life, which transitioned to a better marriage, a healthier lifestyle, and a true understanding of money. As a man, I was taught to keep my emotions inside, but I realized that I was not alone and supported by other men who felt the same way throughout the Mastery program so far. The tools I've learned are irreplaceable, and the bond that was developed in the program will be forever. Noah's mindset techniques helped me to complete a 24 hour Spartan race and be an example of the best version of myself. More men need to tap into their inner child, and with the guidance of Noah…anything is possible. Bravo!" 
Kristi Reed Comstock
"Heal the Child Within and Mastery have been eye opening and life changing for me! Through Noah’s detailed explanations, expertise, guided meditations and breathwork I was able to reconnect to who I truly am and I was able to work through and heal old trauma that had occurred through the years. The group setting made me feel not so alone in my struggles and through the weeks I uncovered why I had unexplained health conditions and why I had certain relationship struggles. Noah showed me how to truly connect to my childhood self and heal the past. But the best part has been, Noah gave me tools to deal with everyday stress that could possibly be triggering me! I recommend these programs to everyone because connecting to who you were before life got complicated will bring you back to an inner joy like no other!"
Kristi Reed Comstock
"This extraordinary program in an intimate, safe and supportive setting is a journey of exploration and discovery into the very core of what many of us have found lacking in our lives – that sense of joy and wonder and play that we were all born with. As an adoptee, I have always carried with me a sense of loss, an emptiness and profound sadness that has held me back from realizing my hopes and dreams in life. Noah’s sensitive and healing approach has helped me to go deep within myself and discover my core self and inner strength that I never knew was there. His gentle facilitation in both Heal the Child Within and in Mastery have helped me shed my old self-destructive behaviors and negative beliefs about myself, and truly transform my life into one where I have found a new sense of love and joy in living a rich full life." 
Bill McCullough
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